George Orwell – 1984

     “Politicians are going all the way to make what Orwell said relevant to our society and perhaps there is no better demonstration of the validity of this particular idea than in the realm of Climate Science”. (James Corbett, 2017)


     Arriving at an average Global Temperature is a deceptively complex issue. Considering the earth is approximately covered with 71% water and 29% land and within this landmass only 30% of the area is covered by weather stations and 70% is unaccounted for besides the ever-changing temperatures above our oceans, seas and water bodies. This makes the task of averaging global temperature ever more difficult. Yet we have these fake weather pundits with some doctorates in assessing weather, time and again, providing us with weather and climate information which an average Indian farmer can outwit all their estimates. These western universities of higher learning with their research institutes and think tanks are designed to cater to the ruling oligarchy, and in line with their agenda of global control.

     Weather bureaus are all controlled by the ruling elite, the political class in order to manipulate and control the economics of nations. Predictions of extreme weather and climate are not released to the general public so as not to create panic specially in the business sector- the stock market, lest it crashes and lays bare their internal monetary manipulations. An impending storm may ruin crops and not give them time to manipulate the futures of food grains and its secondary impact upon national and international trade, even though an early warning may save lives, but unfortunately that is not the primary consideration of weather forecasters. They serve the ruling class and should be informed first, who would then decide the time and date of an impending bad weather forecast.

     Even the temperatures within cities are not accurately forecast because the weather stations are located at some airport or some remote agriculture research station. They release some average temperatures that do not reflect the severity within different parts of urban areas. Anyone with a temperature gauge at home can see this anomaly.

     The above scenario is of a normal climate and its behavioural patterns. Now add to this the human factors, namely Climate Engineering and Weather Modification manipulations by the oligarchy and we have a modern fraud called Climate change and Global Warming.

This meddling with the weather had its beginnings in the 1950 as part of Cloud Seeding programs involving spraying Ammonium nitrate and other chemicals to induce rainfall in deficient agricultural regions,  and has now assumed global proportions where desert kingdoms  desire and induce rain and snow for a price. Today, there are many companies who undertake weather modification at the request of various governments for a price.

It is comical to see chemical laden clouds and flash floods descent upon the deserts of Saudi Arabia (     ) and the United Arab Emirates (     ) while Greece sues Turkey of stealing their clouds in the international court of justice (     ). The sanctity of ‘Nature’ has been breached by such indulgences with natural phenomenon which has an impact far beyond international boundaries to the detriment of all living things upon the earth.

      Yet another  ‘Tragedy of Commons’ (Garrett Hardin,2008) is being played out in space and the destruction of natural cycles by the technological advanced nations continues, which is unfair considering the unwillingness or non-affordability of many nations who do not subscribe to this ‘dance of death’ with mother earth. But the unending lust for global dominance by the Oligarchy continues with ever more zeal, who have weaponized Space, Climate, and Weather, to create droughts, famine, landslides, Hurricanes, Cyclones, Tsunamis, and Earthquakes through projects called H.A.R.R.P. (High Frequency Auroral Research Program). These involves the shooting very high frequency Radio Waves of a million volts into the stratosphere and bounce it back to earth at desired locations to create disruptive weather catastrophes, and fool people into making them believe that it is a natural phenomenon.

     In conjunction with this lethal device they are spraying the habitable and uninhabited regions of the earth with toxic metallic chemicals to disrupt the natural magnetic field of the earth and poison entire populations leading to diseases and death.  This is called CHEMTRAILS, and they confuse the people with CONTRAILS which are not so harmful jet exhaust from aeroplanes, which will be exposed in the following chapters. This heinous crime has already been committed upon the peoples of the United States, United Kingdom and many European nations and God knows where else. People have risen against such depopulation programmes and the protests are growing louder by the day.

     This desire to main and kill entire populations through Genetically modified Foods, Highly toxic pesticides, toxic Allopathic Medicines, Vaccines, Fluoridation of water, H.A.A.R.P., Chemtrails, Tsunamis, Earthquakes, and above wars, are an all-round attack against humanity. This must be countered with awareness programs and action oriented efforts to educate the general public and rise against these genocidal agendas. Posterity will not spare the educated intelligentsia who now remain silent filling their deep pockets with the toil, sweat, and blood of millions who are not aware of such machinations.

     The Drought in western part (specifically California) and the Freeze in the Eastern half of the US, The Japanese Tsunami, The Earthquakes in Haiti and Mexico, hurricanes in the Atlantic- New Orleans (     ) and Florida (     ), etc. are all HAARP controlled disasters the evidence which are strewn all over the internet and Alternative media, as the shameless Journalists connected to the criminal Main Stream Media refrain from reporting the truth.

     These satanic activities are happening all around us and we Indians and specifically our Intelligentsia, the educated, the Journalists and our internationally funded media either don’t know or intentionally suppress information to keep their jobs safe. There is no news at all and it is high time we wake up to this rude awakening


  1. Baker, Kev. [2016, April 8]. Ex-HAARP Engineer connects CEREN, HAARP, Fracking, Wind Turbines and Space Fence. The Kev Baker Show. [Video File]. Retrieved from :


  1. Begich, Nick, [2013, May 11]. HAARP and Mind control. Prison Planet TV,   com. [Video File] Retrieved from : https://youtu.be/1l7gk3PCm7o
  2. Israel, Jacob, [2017, Sept. 18]. What you need to know about HAAPR and the incoming storm. Woodward TV [Video File] Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/yX08C7QGQTA
  3. Corbett, James. [2017, July 14]. Orwell’s nightmare: Temperature adjustments and Climate Change. Corbettreport.com [Video File] Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/tlnwhcO5NC0
  4. Corbett, James. [2015, Dec. 7]. What is the average Global Temperature. Corbettreport.com [Video File] Retrieved from https://youtu.be/eL-HyviLy6c
  5. Corbett, James. [2015, Dec. 21]. The Global Warming pause explained. Corbettreport.com [Video File] Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/axhRA6YmxUU
  6. Cooper, William. [2015, Dec. 3] William Cooper on the Hegelian dialectic manipulation, The great work [Video File] Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/Vwrc1iLsYCg
  7. Curry, Judith. [2017, Jan. 12]. The state of the Climate debate. 1000frolly. [Video File] Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/1L5AVBOh4SM
  8. Shiva, Vandana. [2012, May 1]. The roots of India’s water crisis. Global Oneness Project. [Video File] Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/x8kqq1f14vg
  9. Taplin, Thomas. [2013, April 20]. Water crisis hits Indian economy. Dukascopy press review, Dukascopy TV (EN) [Video File] Retrieved from https://youtu.be/rDfk9RFqnz8
  10. Shiva, Vandana. [2015, Oct. 12] Soil not oil is Climate Change. Soil Not Oil Coalition. [Video File] Retrieved from:  https://youtu.be/e3syIKl9A6o
  11. Shiva, Vandana. [2014, Sept. 12]Climate Chaos: What is at risk. Vandana Shiva [Video File] Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/xuuzqn745bQ
  12. Corbett, James. [2016, June 10]. Dr. Judith Curry explains the Republic of Science. Corbettreport.com [Video File] Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/SBjFjSZjv6w
  13. Corbett, James. [2017, March 15]. Climate models for the layman with Dr. Judith Curry. Corbettreport.com [Video File] Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/SBjFjSZjv6w
  14. Alexander, Alex. [2017, Jan. 22]. Global warming is a blatant lie & this video scientifically proves it. Alex Alexander. [Video File] Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/EHFfOOF-6Fs
  15. Savory, Allan. [2013, March 4] How to green the world’s deserts and reverse climate change. Ted-Talks. [Video File] Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/vpTHi7O66pI
  16. COP 21: Climate Change talks at Paris. Climate change, Militarism and War. ReelNews [Video File] Retrieved from:   https://youtu.be/G-m7BsUtjO4
  17. Bhardwaj, Atul, [2016, May 11] Impact of war on Environment. Cec Ugc. Consortium for Educational Communication [Video File] Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/tjLp6qX2aKo
  18. Mertes, Tyler. [2014, Aug. 27] The Environmental Impact of War.  Whut-TV [Video File] Retrieved from https://youtu.be/QqFo9N1AZqg


  1. Pearlman, Nancy. [2008, Feb. 18]. The tragedy of commons. Garrett Hardin, human4832, [Video File]. Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/g8yOamWq3a0



“The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous”. George Orwell


     After WWII, the Eugenics program of selective breeding, experiments of syphilis and Gonorrhoea on Blacks and other minorities, and forced sterilizations became unpopular in the US because Nazi Germany had heavily borrowed the idea and used it to torture and exterminate millions. Those included the dumb & deaf, ‘the feeble minded’, the Gypsies, Prisoners of War, the Jews, and other racial minorities who did not fit the category of ‘racial superiority’. Above all, the depopulation agenda had taken its toll with over 50 million humans killed from all sides, and banking oligarchs raked in wealth financing both sides of the war. They included the Rothschild’s Bank of England, Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank, Wall Street financiers, as well as companies like IBM, General Motors, Ford, Alcoa (Al), Dow Chemicals, MGM, Coca-Cola etc.

     After the war, the Population Control pogrom put on a new mask in pretending to protect the natural resources depletion, Pollution, and Ecological catastrophes. The C\’Commission on Population Growth was established by President Nixon with J.D. Rockefeller III as chairman whose main aim was to stabilize the population, pollution and the environment (Corbett, James. 2015). Joining Rockefeller in his effort of transition from Eugenics to Population Control to Environmentalism were the British and Dutch Royals, shell oil etc. and planned by none other than the grandson of Darwin’s bulldog T.H. Huxley, Julian Huxley, the brother of Aldous Huxley and author of ‘Brave New World’. 

     Julian Huxley was a committed Eugenicist, was the chairman of the British Eugenics Society from 1959-62, strived to continue the now discredited Eugenics under a different guise, and to make it politically viable once again through UNESCO. In the founding documents he wrote “At the moment, it is probable that the indirect effect of civilization is ‘dysgenic’ instead of ‘eugenic’; and in any case it seems likely that the dead weight of genetic stupidity, physical weakness, mental instability and disease proneness, which already exists in the human species, will prove too great a burden for real progress to be achieved. Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable”. (Julian Huxley, 194 ).

     For those who are unaware, the United Nations (UN) was founded by the Zionists after world war II with land and money donated by the Rockefellers (                ). It was never meant to be international fora for the advancement of all nations, but as a private and personal tool to further the Zionist agendas in the areas of Education, Economics, Health, Food and Agriculture, resolution of conflicts etc. Every arm of the UN was created towards this end and UNESCO was no different. Huxley used UNESCO to further one of his agendas, besides skewing Educational programs, to create “International Union for the Conservation of Nature” in 1948, and again the “World Wildlife Fund” (WWF) in 1961. Joining him in this sinister effort were Prince Bernard of Netherlands, Prince Philip of England, and Godfrey A. Rockefeller, and together they pledged “to harness public opinion and educate the world about the necessity for Conservation” (James Corbett, 2015).

     The motive for ‘Nature Conservation’ and ‘Wildlife’ was, like oil, to monopolise and exploit it, and never its conservation for the humankind, as the world was made to believe through various channels of propaganda. Furthering this agenda, they organized the first

“UN Conference on Human Environment” in Stockholm, which was the world’s first ‘Environmental Conference’. And to oversee and lay the groundwork for this bourgeoning Oligarch supported ‘Environment Movement’ was the consummate oilman Mr. Maurice Strong from Canada, who was introduced to the David Rockefeller by the oil magnate ‘Bill Richardson’. With his connections, Strong penetrated the UN, first as a Junior Security Officer, and later worked for CALTEX oil in Africa, and finally a ‘Trustee’ of the Rockefeller Foundation which funded the Stockholm Environmental Summit.

     It was here that Carnegie funded ‘Barbara Ward’ was motivated to write ‘The Home of Man’, and Rene DuBois, a Rockefeller ecologist, to create a foundational text in Sustainable Development, touted by the Globalists as a key document to manage the Earth’s Key resources. A new bureaucracy was created at the UN in 1982 to facilitate the newly initiated ‘UN Environmental Program (UNEP) and Maurice Strong was appointed as its first Director. In 1987, Maurice helped organise “The Wilderness Congress – Worldwide Conservation” in Denver, Colorado, US. Underlying all these programs was Eugenics and to exclude the general public from designated conservation areas through IUCN and ‘World Conservation Bank’, created by Rothschilds and their ilk, to operate at the international level and coordinate funds for development projects around the world.

     In 1992, The Rio Earth Summit was organized and it consolidated the ‘World Conservation Bank’, dubbed as ‘Global Environment Facility’ was partnered by Godfrey Rockefeller, Prince Philip, and Prince Bernard to provide funds towards Environmental efforts around the world through the implementing partners – Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO), United Nations Environmental Program(UNEP), and the World Wildlife Fund(WWF). Poor nations were to be given ‘debt relief’ for opening up their wilderness and nature preserves for the so called Environmental development project which was a deceitful way to control and exploit natural resources all over the world.

     The ‘UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’ and the ‘International Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) were thus born out of this malicious intent whose only conclusion was “Humanity is to blame for Climate Change” and excluded all the natural causes and variabilities involved in climate change. Again, as was the practice of compartmentalizing scientific efforts to keep one group ignorant of their works from the other to maintain secrecy, the “Policy Makers” were kept independent of the ‘Technical Groups’, a practice which continues to this day in all Zionist controlled scientific establishments.

     Based on the above facts, on can see how the Oligarchy has transformed and mutated issues from monopolising Oil, Managing Earths Resources through ‘International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO), United Nations Environmental Program (UNDP), The Earth Summit, International Panel on Climate Change, etc. How through these deceitful organizations they are furthering the concept of ‘Globalization’ and World Government, only to control the worlds resources and blame the rest of humanity for their destructive methods of earth’s resources through industrialization. They perpetuate Hoaxes like ‘Depletion of Ozone Layer”, a layer which does not exist in the space above us, or ‘Global Warming’ which is a complete lie considering the ‘cooling period’ we are going through based on Climatic trends of the past 10,000 years researched and confirmed by the ‘Greenland Ice Cores’(NOAA).

     What are we to say about the rest of humanity, their government, and their leaders, who stand as mute spectators at best, or toe the line of the Oligarchs and amass personal fortunes at the expense of the rest of us? Western Science is no more reliable to be blindly adhered to and scientists no more trustworthy. They manipulate data, use the cheating science of statistics, distort facts and skew the results to please their masters for a price.

Science has become a tool to further the agenda of the vested interests and is evident in the practice and prescription of toxic medicines for our illnesses through Vaccines, Cancer cures, through Chemotherapy and Radiation (with 2% success rates). The patenting of viruses by Rockefellers to create pandemics of AIDS, Ebola, HINI Flu etc., only to sell us their toxic cures and conduct depopulation pogroms with the backing of fraudulent scientific community. Such has been the course of events in the past decades.

     In the following chapters we shall discuss how the depopulation agenda mutated from Eugenics to Climate change fraud in greater detail.     


(The role of FREON AND Co2)


As mentioned earlier, the ‘Hegelian Dialectic’ is Satan’s biggest trick, a mischievous and an efficient method to deceive the masses through its idiom of Thesis, Anti-thesis and Synthesis. Through this dialectic, the Oligarchs, the ruling elite secretly create a problem which does not exist (like the depletion of the Ozone layer), and the general public reacts, which leads the transfer of power to decide, from the people, into the hands of those who originally created the problem, the oligarch controlled government.

     The Ozone holes and its depletion is one such issue. Ozone is destroyed by Jet Fuel emissions, Chemtrails (spraying of Chemicals and Metals), HAARP – Microwaving the Ionosphere and Lasers, to be used as a weapon. These interferences in the outer layer of the atmosphere create gaping holes through which Ultra-Violet rays penetrate the earth’s surface and oceans up to 200 feet deep, the consequences of which are dead coral reefs, the vanishing insects and plants, dead ocean fish and mammals, etc. This is apart from the evil of manipulating the weather, creating hurricanes, earthquakes, droughts and Tsunamis.

     Firstly, there is no such thing as the Ozone layer. Above the earth we have the TROPOSPHERE – between 10 – 13 miles, STRATOSPHERE 13 – 25, MESOSPHERE 30 – 50, and THERMOSPHERE 50 – 100. About 90% of the Ozone floats about in the Stratosphere and absorbs much of the Ultra-violet radiation thereby protecting life forms on the earth.

     During the 1980’s, there was a skin cancer scare based on the theory that Freon (Chlorofluorocarbon – CFC,) consisting of Ammonia (NH3), Methyl chloride (CH3Cl), and Sulphur dioxide (So2) was breaking up the ozone layer in the Stratosphere (Seeker, 1026). This theory has never been proven and Politicians, on instructions from their puppet masters (DuPont), got together and banned Freon in the ‘Montreal Protocol Agreement’ in 1987. This happened when DuPont was losing its patent and monopoly on Freon and that anyone would now be able to manufacture it.

     Ozone is created in the Stratosphere 20-50 kms above the ground. The UV rays from the Sun break up the two atoms of oxygen and recombine into three atoms of oxygen which is Ozone. But Ozone being very unstable, when introduced to Chlorine again breaks down into single oxygen atoms. This process goes on repeatedly in the Stratosphere.      

     The creation of the so called hole is a natural phenomenon which occurs due to the tilt of the earth. During the summer in the northern hemisphere, when the sunlight hits the atmospheric oxygen molecules in the northern part, it causes a chemical reaction due to which the oxygen splits into ‘O’ and ‘O’, and when three atoms of oxygen combine, it becomes Ozone, a free radical. Ozone does not remain detached for long and it latches on to each other and becomes Oxygen again or attaches to Hydrogen to become water (H2O). Ozone does not last very long and is in a state of constant flux. It is an ‘ION’ of OXYGEN called IONOSPHERE and the environmentalist liars falsely call it the OZONE layer. (William Cooper, 2015).

      The poles of the earth normally receive less sunlight and especially during the winter. In the northern and southern hemispheres, least amount of sunlight hits the atmosphere, and consequently there is not much reaction between sunrays and the oxygen in the atmosphere, and hence less ozone is created. This reduced level of Ozone is falsely called a ‘Hole in the Ozone layer’.

     Freon containing Chlorine is over four times heavier than oxygen and it is difficult for them to get into the Stratosphere. Chlorine being the main agent in breaking down ozone, exists in huge quantities in the atmosphere from natural causes. It evaporates from sea water and goes up into the stratosphere through thunderstorms and hurricanes etc. Volcanoes and forest fires also put out millions of tonnes of chlorine into the atmosphere. So expecting Freon from cans to travel 50 kms up and break down into parts is a preposterous proposition (Peter Temple, 1026).

     The secret behind this deception is that since DuPont was about to lose its patent and monopoly on the manufacture of Freon costing 50 cents/ pound, so they pushed for a ban on Freon and alternatively started to manufacture products twenty times more expensive and patented it, which eliminated competition and retained its monopoly. One should not forget that DuPont is one of the largest manufacturers of petro-chemical fertilizers, and toxic pesticides which has ruined agriculture and poisoned the food the world over. They were the producers of ‘Agent Orange’ which destroyed Vietnamese countryside and forests, the effects of which linger even today.

      When ‘Skylab’ was launched in 1970, it did damage the ozone. All the Satellite launches (over 3000) damage the Ozone much more than Aerosol production/release on the ground (Nick Begich, 2013).

     As per the data available through satellite imagery, there is no melting of the polar ice caps and in fact the polar ice has been growing in size and thickness as part of the earth’s cooling cycle every 1030 years starting in 1998 (Alex Alexander, 2016).

     Thus these governments, in cohorts with their pack of pathetic and chronic liar scientists, create a problem where none exists, expect a reaction among the masses only to step in and take control and solve the problem, which is to control the Atmosphere and the space above us. Blame the poor, industrially undeveloped nations for creating pollution and impose a ‘Carbon Tax’ upon them as a solution, while they continue to pollute the atmosphere with their industries and wars. This is also another pretext to legislate and bar the general public from accessing common wilderness area, natural reserves, and exploit the resources.


     Carbon comprises about 0.038% of all the gasses present in the atmosphere and the propaganda that the climate is changing due to co2 is bogus and overstated (Jim Steele, 2016). The issue of Climate Change is a wicked mess, the problems and solutions of which are vastly oversimplified.

 Co2 was 8/1000 of 1% in 1950 and is 39/1000 of 1% in 2017 (Alex Alexander, 2017).

That warm oceans reduce Co2 where Co2 + H2o = Carbonic acid.

That Co2 is not a ‘Greenhouse Gas’, but a ‘Biospheric Gas’.

That Grasslands store more carbon in the soil than Trees (Allan Savory, 2013)

Carbon and Water are tied to the organic matter in the soil. Damage the soil and Carbon goes back to the atmosphere. (Soil destruction due to Fracking for oil, and Wars).

That Co2 does not impact the air quality, breathing and Chest diseases. If that was the case most people should have died from chest diseases from consuming ‘Carbonated’ drinks.

     According to Vandana Shiva (2015), the ‘Soil degradation’ and not ‘Oil’ is one of the causes for concern regarding climate change. The solution lies in moving out of ‘energy systems to ‘food systems’ and maintaining climatic patterns through recycling Carbon and Nitrogen in the soil and to decarbonize the economy, food and the soil. To take it out of the atmosphere and put it back into the soil where it belongs. We have to retract “From the extractive logic of oil to the circular logic of returning nutrients to the soil through ‘organic farming’, from a culture of exploitation to one of caring and responsibility.


With the U.S. pulling out of ‘Paris Agreement on Climate Change’, the propaganda around it has slowed down for the time being. There is politics behind it similar to NASA shutting shop after decades of lies and the Moon landing Hoax, which will be dealt with in the following chapter.

     The Global Warming deception has persisted in spite of scientific evidence (Dr. Raymond Wheeler, 1920) since past 100 years. Everything in this universe occurs in cycles and waves and there are no straight lines in nature, and Temperatures are not an exception. It cannot rise for ever. This fact was known to Indian sages since time immemorial and the cyclical nature of Climate and weather is common knowledge among traditional farmers the world over. But in spite of overwhelming evidence against Global Warming, the Globalists have been able to fool the international community with the idea of ‘Global Warming’ for over four decades based on false scientific data, research, and the corruption within the western scientific community, who put aside their integrity and sold their souls to the Oligarchy for positions of power and monetary gain.

     If we observe the climate cycles over the past 11,000 years, the glacial period, temperatures move up and down in predictable cycles and schedules. Today we are in the modern warm period (See Chart no.  ) and the earth has gone through many warm periods before. It is gradually getting cooler starting from 2012/13. We know this through the research conducted by Dr. Raymond Wheeler, who in the early 1900’s along with a team of researchers analysed climate data back 20 centuries to 600 BCE. He used Tree Rings and Sun Spot records to plot both the temperature and rainfall over that entire period.

     He identified major climate cycles of 100, 170, 515, and 1030 years, and predicted extreme weather at about the year 2000 ACE followed by colder and long term drought. The global temperatures have gone down since 1998(climate chart) and the recent drop in  solar activity is a warning of much colder climates ahead. Mr. Habibullo Ismailovich Abdussamatov, a Russian Astrophysicist and head of the International Space Station in 2014 has publicly predicted a mini ice age. The research conducted by the ‘Greenland Ice core Research Project’ (NOAA) ending in 1992 of the past 4000 years supports all of Dr. Wheeler’s cycles. They reveal large temperature peaks every 1030 years during which time civilizations flourished under warm and wet climates. Also during the 172 year peaks, the temperature has turned cooler and 2007 is a major turning date. These charts coincided with major civilizations like Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Mayan etc. and faced ruin with colder and dry climatic periods. Rome burned as it got colder.

     Social moods turn negative with colder climates and that brings about riots and wars. Cold period also get to be known as the ‘Dark Ages’ where there is little advancement in living standards (Peter Temple, 2016). Today, we are at the peak of the warm period and it is going to get colder and dryer for decades leading to major financial collapse, the main feature of the 172 year cycle. The Sun and the Planets are the major drivers of climate change and here we have the oligarchs banning and taxing coal plants for their oil economy to continue.




  • China is burning coal leading to Aerosol effect
  • Aerosol/Freon emissions in Asia
  • The Oceans are warming
  • Trade winds are increasing heat (Montreal Protocol)
  • Industrial activity in developing countries (India, China)



  • The reward system in ‘Academia’.(Government-Corporate-Oligarchs-Scientists nexus)
  • Main Stream Media (MSM) Propaganda, and the Spineless Journalism
  • Scientific and Research establishments, Careers, Funding, Profiteering
  • Global control of Climate and Space, through hoaxes and Fabricated Science, HAARP, CHEMTRAILS, Climate Engineering, Weather Modification, Industrial Agriculture, Deforestation etc.



  • Why climate models failed to forecast the slowdown in Global Warming
  • Why there is no Global Warming since 1998
  • Divergences of ‘Predicted Data’ versus ‘Observed/Recorded Data’
  • Insufficient and Inadequate Observational Evidence
  • Values of different classes of ‘evidence’
  • Appropriate Logical Framework for linking and assessing the evidence
  • Assessment of areas of Ambiguity and Ignorance
  • ‘Belief Polarization’ as a result of Politicization of Science



  • Green Activists and State A.G. collude against climate dissenters (Bonner R. Cohen 2016, Senior Fellow , National Centre for Public Policy Research)
  • Discredit honest Scientists and dissent. Climate Heretic – Judith Curry turns on her colleagues. (Scientific American, 2010)
  • Bill Nye, the Science guy is open to criminal charges, and jail time for climate change dissenters


    Dr. Judith Curry , Climatologist, Former Chair ‘School of Atmospheric and Earth Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, US, resigned from her position (2016), and no longer wanted to be associated with ‘Academia’. A Government, politics, and Commerce driven Science, Science-Policy Nexus, Breakdown of old norms of Research, Increasing incidence of Scientific Fraud, etc. were some of the main reasons as quoted.

     She observes “What happens when the externalities of the ‘Republic of Science’ produce perverse incentives and careerism becomes a dominant inventive, which requires publishing a lot of papers rapidly and producing ‘head line’ worthy results. ‘Who ever cares if these papers don’t survive scrutiny beyond their press release”. That ‘Physics’ is untouched by politics and commerce, the increasing incidence of ‘Scientific Fraud Cherry Picking’, that Climate Science has become a religion driven by Ideology, Heresy, and Dogma.

‘What happens the Hand guiding Science is not ‘Invisible?’

     The narration of issues that Dr. Curry confronted, her honest and brave decision, is to introduce to the reader what an honest Scientist thinks like and, expose some of the pitfalls that currently Science is trapped in. The following is a summary of the Science, fabricated or otherwise, behind ‘Climate Change’. ‘OCEANS CONTROL CLIMATE’ (Alex Alexander and Dr. Don Easterbrook, Prof. Em., Geology, Western WA University, U.S.).




     The United Nations Conference on ‘Climate Change’ treaty envisaged a goal of stabilizing Greenhouse Gasses to prevent dangerous climate change, and claimed that it was Human induced (1992).

     That Co2/Carbon is polluting and causing Chest Diseases, contrary to trace amounts (0.038%) present in the atmosphere, it does not impact air quality and breathing.

     That there is a Social Cost to carbon, and economic costs and benefits in its reduction.

     That Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS) to be gauged through Global Climate modelsHistorical Observations, and Paleo-climate reconstructions (Tree rings).

     Then we have extreme weather, Floods Droughts, Hurricanes. Sea Level Rise due to Human Factors or Natural Variability which is difficult to discern.

     The growing divergence between Climate Mode showing higher values than Observations, and assume that climate change is a tame problem,

    All of the above policy statements contradict the increasing evidence that the threat from Global Warming is overstated, and the ‘Problems’ and ‘Solutions’ are vastly oversimplified.

Climate models are too sensitive to human forcing, subject to Volcanoes, Solar variations, long range Ocean Oscillations and Geological processes.

     Global Climate Modelling are complex and lengthy computer codes that are based fundamentally on Equations, Newton’s laws of Motion, Laws of thermodynamics, and discretised Grid Cells of the earth where equations are integrated in a time setting. The grid cells drawn on the earth are subject to Cloud formation, rainfall, vegetation, surface properties, and topographical features. These parameterized equations are based on some physical characteristics and some by just ‘Tuning’. This leads to different climate model results. Is Global warming due to Human Causes or Natural Variability?

     Climate Models were developed around 1070’s to test climate sensitivity to Co2. To the equations were added ‘Atmospheric Chemistry, Ocean Geo-chemistry, Air pollution and Carbon to develop Sea Surface Models and Land Models. The resolution of the models was limited by computer power. Also Models needed to be calibrated by External and Internal parameters. Human contribution to Global Warming is difficult to arrive at and hard to separate, and there is no objective way of separating them. The Scientists turn off the human factor (Co2, Aerosol etc.) and run the models and introduce human factors later into the equation. Thus the Climate Models were and are inadequate tools to predict any useful results especially against Dr. Wheeler’s study and later the ‘Greenland Ice Core Research’ which provided predictable climate cycles and results.

     ALL MODELS ARE WRONG BUT SOME ARE USEFUL – George Box, Statistician.

     Then there is corruption to deal with. The ‘Climate Research Unit’ (CRU) received a series of grants from British Petroleum (BP) to provide data and advise concerning theirs exploration operations in the Arctic marginal seas. They had developed a series of Sea Ice Atlases. The ‘Sierra Club’ received monies ($25 Million, 2007-2010) from the Natural Gas Industry, Aubrey McClendon, CEO of ‘Chesapeake Energy’, one of the biggest gas drilling companies heavily involved with ‘Fracking’. The Rockefeller Foundation, Charles C. Koch Charitable Foundation, Ann Gordon Getty Foundation, along with BP, NTPC, ONGC, UNDP, UNEP, Shell Oil ETC., were all the driving force behind the Climate Change Agenda. Also the ‘Climate Institute, WWF, Shell oil, and the royal English and Dutch families representing the oil and gas industry opposed Coal as a competition. Exxon Mobil funded research into the growing energy needs; Ford, Exxon Mobil provided grants of $8.5 Million to the ‘National Fish and Wildlife organization and $1.2 to the ‘Nature Conservancy’; British Petroleum provided funding to many Environmental groups like Nature Conservancy, WWF, World Resource Institute, Audubon Society, and Wildlife Habitat Council.

     Thus from the above summary we can see the fraud, and the complexity involved in Climate Science where truth cannot prevail and science is reduced to nothing.

But we can see a gain in Antarctica Ice Sheets and Glaciers are rebounding in cycles  which is presented as Global Warming. Polar Bears and Penguins are increasing in population That the sea level rise is more due to ground water extraction and the ‘politics of climate wars’ is not allowing us to understand the true nature climate change variability.


It is also a fact that pollution is increasing. Some advocate a shift from oil to Alternative sources of energy like Solar, Wind etc., some support working with the Soil and organic framing  to maintain natural climatic cycles rather than petro-chemical based industrial agriculture (Vandana Shiva, 2015), while some are engaged in the restoration of vegetation, grasslands, forests, and all other natural eco- systems and its diversity. But parallel to all these efforts, the exploitation and pollution continues under some pretext or the other. Most of the Environmental protection quasi and semi quasi agencies have been infiltrated by big oil to corrupt and negate all efforts towards creating a sustainable environment.




  • Differential Temperature Data Sets provided by Remote Sensing Systems (RSS), a satellite data set is of Class/ quality I data set. Temperatures from Lower Troposphere (TLT), a product of RSS show enhanced warming, (Roy Spencer and John Christy, Head, UAH, 2017)
  • University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH) Data Sets.
  • Goddard Institute of Space studies (GISS) data sets are of Class/Quality III.
  • NASA data trends based on GISS have been showing an alarming rise in temperature.
  • Major Corrections to Satellite Data Sets and adjusting for the orbital decay of satellites, they show 140% faster warming since1998. (This is gross manipulation).
  • “They (NASA) warmed the present and cooled the past (James Corbett 2015).
  • The Global Average Surface Temperature (GAST) by NASA, NOOA, and Hadley are not reliable and are adjusted to show a cooler past and a warmer present.
  • “The past was cooler than you think it was and the present is warmer than you think it is – thus the future is going to be hot as hell unless you hand over your ‘Carbon Ties’ to the United Nations (George Orwell).
  • The calculation of Global Average Surface Temperature is unreliable which receives its data from weather stations around the globe on land which occupies 28% of the area of the earth. Then the locations of these weather stations are concentrated in Europe, Asia, and the Americas leaving huge gaps of the African continent, the remote areas, and the oceans which are about 70% of the total area. So, approximately, weather stations cover 30% of the 30% of the total area. (James Corbett, 2015).
  • 40% of the Surface Temperature Records come from the US alone (6.6% of Earth’s surface for 40% of Data), (James Corbett, 2015).
  • NASA reports (1998-2008) falsify climate prediction by manipulating climate models ‘Internal Climate Variability’ and Over-estimation of Variables (James Corbett, 2015).
  • That the ERSST ‘reconstructed data sets’ are fudged and the integrity of the timing of the report is questioned. (Thomas Karl, Director, NOAA, 2015).

The reader is expected to ponder over the above facts involved in predicting Climate Change and see the Politics, the Economics, and the deception devised to fool the public. The main objective is to loot and plunder the resources of the earth while blaming human activity and the poorer nations, only to collect ‘Carbon Tax’ and further their Global Agenda. Long Live the ‘Hegelian Dialectic’.





  • Global warming has peaked and ended somewhere around 1998. This conforms to the findings of Dr. Wheeler, 1920’s, and ‘The Greenland Ice cores Research Project’, 1992.
  • There is no Global Warming since 1998 and the warming from 1978-98 has been replaced by Global Cooling.
  • The Antarctic ice is growing.
  • Sea level size is 7 inches every century and not 20 Feet as predicted by .
  • Snowfall is not below normal where four of the past five years have received record snowfall.
  • Carbon dioxide Co2) cannot cause Global Warming. It is a trace gas, 0.038% of the total atmospheric gasses. Warming takes out Co2 out of the Oceans while Cooling takes in Co2.
  • Severe storms are not more frequent than Normal.
  • The Oceans are not Acidic.
  • The warm and cool cycles are of roughly 30 years besides 170, 515, & 1030 year cycles.

     United States                                                          Hyderabad, India             

          1880 - 1915   Cool period        

          1925 - 1945   Warm period, Co2 rising

          1945 - 1977   Cool Period, Co2 emissions

          1978 - 1995   Warm period, Co2 rising           

          1995 - Present, Cool Period




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